We need your support to ensure that all children have the right to an attorney.

Fill out this form to join our mailing list.

We believe all children in Florida’s child welfare system should be appointed an attorney to represent them in dependency court and related proceedings to access services and supports that they need.

Foster Fairness Principles

  1. Provide High Quality Legal Representation to Children in Florida’s Child Welfare System.

  2. We Are Flexible.

  3. We Support a Model of Representation Based on an Attorney -Client Relationship.

  4. We Support Statewide Coordination to Ensure Quality and Training.

  5. We are Not Asking for any Reduction in Funding for the Statewide Office of the Guardian Ad Litem.


We invite individuals and organizations who agree with our Common Principles to join in our cause.

Options for Collaboration:
  • Allow us to publicly identify you as a supporter on the Foster Fairness website and in publications.
  • Accept communications from Foster Fairness (such as emails, tweets, Facebook posts).
  • Give feedback on draft materials.
  • Share Foster Fairness communications with your members (if an organization) or interested friends.
  • Contact policy makers when called upon.
  • Write letters, Op-eds, and speak to media.
  • Let us share your personal story about why it’s important for children to have an attorney.
  • Organize education opportunities for your organization’s members / community groups you are involved in, to learn more about children’s need for attorney representation.
  • Serve on the Foster Fairness Steering Committee

For More Information, Contact: fosterfairnessflorida@gmail.com